Archives: Helpful Hints

Getting Ready

Safety First! Ensure adequate ventilation by opening windows or even using an extraction device when painting in rooms with little or no natural ventilation. Go for canvas floor covering, rather than plastic. Canvas is extremely durable, rip-resistant and easier to place in those difficult to manage corners. It lays flat and presents much less of… Read more »

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Filling Holes & Cracks in Plaster

Plaster is a common feature of many modern homes. It’s great to paint on as it offers a smooth and clean surface. However, when damaged, it can be a pain to repair if you don’t know how. With a little preparation and time, even the most hideous of cracks, dents or holes can be made… Read more »

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Paint Preparation

Prepare like the pros. Professionals have several trade tips that are great ways for the amateur painter to make their DIY project a little easier to handle. Firstly, if you are using multiple cans of the same paint, it’s a good idea to ‘box’ your paint. Boxing your paint is the name given to emptying… Read more »

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Painting & Protecting Metal

Traditional Paint V Hammerite Video Hammerite Rust Video Below are 2 Videos from our friends over at Hammerite. Hammerite paint is perfect for an exterior job. The biggest worry for exterior metal is of course, rust, and Hammerite have developed a range of paints that are designed to destroy and protect from rust.

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Staining & Varnishing Wood

Stain is used in order to preserve the natural look of the wood, while adding a decorative colouring and protection. Staining & Varnishing, if done correctly, takes around 3 days. Preparing the wood for staining is an extremely important process. It ensures the stain will have an even and professional finish. The best of achieving… Read more »

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Stripping & Painting Wood

Stripping wood can vary depending on the type of surface that you are stripping wood from. There are 3 main way of removing paint from a wood. Sanding – This is ideal for small areas. Unless you want to hire and industrial sander, but that can be unnecessary and expensive. When sanding wood, you are… Read more »

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Using a Roller

A roller is an easy and efficient way to paint large surfaces quickly. However, there are techniques that can be used to increase the speed and efficiency of the tool. Firstly, before painting, ensure the roller is clean. A quick wash with warm water should be fine for this. It’s a good idea to leave… Read more »

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Picking the correct Brush

Picking the wrong brush for a job is a mistake that a lot of people make. In order to help, we have created a guide that you can use in order to ensure you are using the right too for the job. 1” Soft Brush – For interior use. Ideal for small detail such as… Read more »

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What tools will I need?

Tools are split into several categories: Brushes Rollers Tape & Masking Sandpaper & Abrasives Drop Cloths & Plastic Sheeting Sealants & Fillers Patching & Repair Cleaning Supplies Clothing & Protection Ladders Ensuring you have the correct tools for the job you are undertaking is a must. Check out our articles on painting; An Interior Job,… Read more »

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Painting Masonry

Step 1 – Paint the walls! Use short strokes if using a brush. If using a Roller, then incorporate the ‘W’ technique that we explained in our using a roller section. This will give you good coverage on the wall and allow you to finish the job in an efficient manner. Step 2 – Cover… Read more »

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Weather is very important when planning a job. The desired type of weather depends on what job you are going to be doing. For example, if you are staining a deck, then usually mild overcast weather is best. You don’t want it to be too warm, or too wet. It is best to check the… Read more »

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Safety First

When planning a job on the exterior of your house you need to make sure you are safe. Think about what tools and appliances you’re going to be using for the job and plan accordingly. For example, if you are using a Ladder, make sure you use the correct ladder for the job at hand… Read more »

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Preparing Wood

Preparing wood for painting is actually very simple. Firstly you will need to sand the wood. Sand paper can be purchased from any local hardware store. For the wood you’ll generally be painting over in a room (door frames and window frames) then a medium grit sand paper will be fine. A 120-150 grit paper… Read more »

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On the Job

Now all the preparation has been done, it’s time to get painting! When painting in the sections near the floor or ceiling, use a smaller handheld paintbrush and keep your hand steady. (Of course, you can always put down masking tape to protect these areas.) It is often a good idea to do this first… Read more »

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